Publisher description
IBXExTrees Library - components for work with InterBase/FireBird/Yaffil databases with use IBX data access components. Library contains following visible components: 1. TIBXExTreeView - DBTreeView component. Nodes of Tree load from database after expand parents. Supports: - Simple/CheckBox/RadioGroup mode - Internal Locate/sort dialogs and internal Popup menu for general edit operations - Filtering nodes for any parent - Custom sorting nodes in any order - Easy replacing imageindex and stateindex - Full Drag&Drop operation on tree/treelist and between trees/treelists - Using additional custom fields - Designtime metadata creator In CheckBox/RadioGroup mode, check states of nodes stores in special check table for diffrent names of check states (check profiles). 2. TIBXExTreeColumnList - DBTreeView component with columns. 3. TIBXExTreeList - DBListView component. 4. TIBXExTreeComboBox - DBTreeComboBox component.
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